It's important to stay connected
I started writing this blog mainly for myself once Charlotte was finally home from hospital. It was as if I had been on high alert, with such an important job to do while she was in hospital in terms of learning about all of these new words I was hearing, being the strong one for my entire family and navigating both of my daughters through this frightening and confusing experience. I had been filled with so much to do whilst in hospital, teaching Charlotte who I was, who her family was, to speak, to walk, to eat, to use the toilet etc. that once she was well enough to go home and I was able to actually start to reflect on the past few months I found that so much had happened, so much had changed, there were so many questions and so many traumatic things I had seen that I felt compelled to write about it, to put everything into some sort of order in the hopes that it would start to make some sort of sense and so that I could at least try to stop myself falling into a tailspin when I needed to show strength, positivity and hope to my children so that they could look to me and feel safe. What I found were thousands of you. Thousands of other families who were experiencing similar things and were searching for answers, information, someone to say "I understand" and really mean it. I found that I could bring the issue to those who had no idea of children having strokes or the effects of brain injuries whether caused by an event in a persons body or by an outside force. I found that I could highlight various organisations and their work in this field in the hopes that somebody reading this blog might find some much needed professional help and support. I found that when I was sad and asking why this happened to my perfectly healthy child with so much potential, I could start to formulate part of an answer. It happened to her not only because she is strong enough to bear it, but also so that we can try to provide a small amount of support, togetherness, understanding to someone else who feels scared, alone, confused, devastated. We can raise awareness so that anyone else waking up to find their child dying might remember this and potentially get help quicker which is so so vital.
So much has changed for us and we have been on such a bumpy road to get from then to now, from fear and anguish to peace and positivity that when I looked at this blog and saw that nearly 12,000 of you have found our story, I knew that there are still people out there looking for answers and that I needed to continue to try and help. Yes we still hurt. As a mother I will never ever get over seeing my children go through hell or lose the feeling of utter terror at the thought that my family was going to be broken but I can honestly say now that everything we have been through has had a positive impact on our lives and if I can pass that on to just one person then I think that's an amazing purpose to have.
As I said at the beginning of this post, I use this blog to put these events into an order and to see how far we have come so with that in mind, please feel free to read our story from the beginning and to subscribe to this blog if you haven't already and I will try my best to guide you through some of the issues you may face as a family living with brain injury related conditions or just as a person looking for some inspiration on staying positive and overcoming adversity.
I have a lot to tell you so I really hope you stay tuned.
Lots of love, L xx
So much has changed for us and we have been on such a bumpy road to get from then to now, from fear and anguish to peace and positivity that when I looked at this blog and saw that nearly 12,000 of you have found our story, I knew that there are still people out there looking for answers and that I needed to continue to try and help. Yes we still hurt. As a mother I will never ever get over seeing my children go through hell or lose the feeling of utter terror at the thought that my family was going to be broken but I can honestly say now that everything we have been through has had a positive impact on our lives and if I can pass that on to just one person then I think that's an amazing purpose to have.
As I said at the beginning of this post, I use this blog to put these events into an order and to see how far we have come so with that in mind, please feel free to read our story from the beginning and to subscribe to this blog if you haven't already and I will try my best to guide you through some of the issues you may face as a family living with brain injury related conditions or just as a person looking for some inspiration on staying positive and overcoming adversity.
I have a lot to tell you so I really hope you stay tuned.
Lots of love, L xx
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